Sunday, January 5, 2014

wanted to share .. Easy Recipe for mod podge

Craft lovers tend to buy a lot of mod podge every year. They pay about $8 dollars on small bottles and even more on shipping. There is a easy, quick and cost effective alternative to the store-bought mod podge. Making mod podge at home costs only about $2 and the recipe is pretty simple as well. Start by preparing a glass jar to store the homemade mod podge. Label the jar by putting a neat strip of masking tape on it.
Using masking tape makes it easy to remove or change the label as you wish. On the tape, stick the sticker label. Then tape over the sticker with clear tape to make the label water proof. Then label can read “Mod Podge in a Pint Jar.” To fill the jar, add half of it with white glue and the other half with water. Then shake the mixture well.
This combination of equal water and glue gives a matte finish to crafts. If you want a glossy finish, add one tablespoon varnish to the mixture before shaking. This makes amazing replacement to the mod podge sold at different departmental stores. You can now make your own mod podge using this formula.
>> Modge Podge Recipe <<

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