
Showing posts from August 20, 2017

Back to School

Happy Wednesday everyone, tomorrow My Hubby will be having his 70th birthday, but what he doesn't know is we are throwing him a surprise party on Sunday everything is all set,  I will post pix next week of him at his party, We have only invited about 20 people, keeping it to close Friends and Our Kids and grand kids & babies.  Today I used cream card stock,   ribbon with pencils, stickers  first school day from my stash, a Heart with ABC on it, I also used my Cuttlebug  machine .    Embossing folder by Cuttlebug "Typeset"     School here in Florida has been back in since the 10 th of August. I made this card with my Granddaughter Lily in mind, she just started her  Pre - K. program and she loves it. just like her big sister Gracie. Thank you for visiting it is always a pleasure to have you visit and leave me a comment I enjoy reading them. I have such sweet blog friends. I would like it very much if you would become a new follower of my blog and I will be ha