
Showing posts from September 17, 2017

Colossians 4:6

Hello Everyone  glad to be back and posting again, I know I am a week late on this post, But last week we were dealing with Irma  and now that we are all cleaned up and have internet again. Now onto my card. today I used a pale green card stock out of my stash a floral paper from Tim Holtz idea - ology. I added Colossians 4:6  white tiny pearls, and a paper fall flower with a gold brad in the center. I used green and yellow ribbon  by Really Reasonable Ribbon . to all in the NE be safe it looks like hurricane Maria is coming up the coast, and be hitting the Jersey Coast line. I hoping it won't but I do know how dangerous these hurricanes can be and how much damage they can do. sending Prayers to all in Maria's Path.  Thank you for visiting my blog today it is always a honor and pleasure to have you visit. I love reading the comments.  I'm sharing my card in the following challenge Word Art Wednesday - anything goes 300 - 301 God Bless   Hugs  Dottie

Pop it up !

Hello everyone and happy Wednesday to all, the months are flying by so fast. soon I will be working on our Christmas card's and Shopping for everyone Christmas gifts. So much is happening We just found out yesterday that Our Grandson Dale is getting Married on April 21, 2018 they have been together for over 5 years. Now on to my card. Todays craft paper Chevron   and tan from my stash , I used my Cherry Lynn Designs die cuts, FRM122 Fall Harvest, and Family  AB409 . 3 wabbles  2 on the front and one inside the card. this is a good card for Halloween or Thanksgiving, I love creating each of my cards and there are no two the same. I love playing along in most challenges. Now that I am feeling better I will be more active in the challenges. get back to having my MOJO . Thank you so much for visiting it is always a honor to have you stop by for a visit. I hope you are all having a wonderful safe week, for you all in the NE be safe looks like Hurricane Marie maybe hitting the J

A corn Chucky

Happy Tuesday everyone. Our Internet has been off and on since the storm. We did pretty good,  Irma took part of our back fence down, but with the help of others, Hubby put new poles in and now it is back up. lots of branches came down due to the wind. and the funny thing is, we dont have any trees. Today I used tan card stock a printed paper over it and then stamped my Squirrel Acorn Chucky  by " North Coast Creations" I used my colored pencils to color him in and added some leafs , Bought on AMAZON .  I added some twine, and stamped thanks so much.  We have been extremely lucky with every storm, for the past 26 years. there is a story, We we're told Yrs ago that this is blessed grounds, by the Seminole Indians.  The last big storm to hit our area was in 1922. Thank you so very much for visiting my blog today, I am sorry I have not been very active as I was, but just have not been feeling very good. I am so thankful for my Joe he takes very good care of