
Showing posts from December 4, 2022

Merry and Bright

                                                                          Hello all, I know this is not one of my better tags or cards,  I felt I needed to post something as I have not posted in over a week. This is why I have not been posting one week ago he had a heart attack called a widow maker, Praise God it did not kill him !!! Tomorrow he is having open heart Surgery, PLEASE SEND PRAYERS!! I used one of Tim Holtz  tags. I used  Tim Holtz Die cuts, I added star dust stickles,  and a tag By ECHO PARK Frames & Tags I added a piece of dark green seam binding  . like I said it isn't one of my better tags.  but I hope you will like it anyway and please pray for my Joe he needs all he can get. Thank you     It is always a Blessing to have you stop by and Visiting my blog.I want to thank you for all you're wonderful comments, I enjoy reading each of them. so don't forget to leave me a comment. I hope you all have a Safe and Blessed Week. Hugs Dottie   I'm sharing