
Showing posts from October 29, 2017


Hello Everyone, this will be my last challenge , until I am not needed by until I am not needed by our beautiful daughter Ginny we all just learned she has progressive breast cancer, she will be getting a port next week, and then they will start her on her Chemo  2 or 3 days a week once it is strong she will have a double mastectomy, as it is also in her nodes. asking for prayers for her. Now on to the challenge today I used my die cut and made my tag I added red ribbon and a white string, I stamped "Merry Christmas" I used my Copic pens to color it in and also use my Stickles all from my stash.   thank you so much for visiting my Blog it is always a pleasure to have you visit . I'm sharing my tag in the following challenge Simon Wednesday - Christmas Tag   God Bless  hugs Dottie                        FOR OUR BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER GINNY                                       PLEASE PRAY FOR HER !