
Showing posts from December 3, 2017

Luke 2:12

 Happy Saturday evening, I know my post is a little late but I was just invited by Karen to Join her design Team here on Word Art Wednesday, Thank you so much Karen it is a true honor and a dream come true. I do hope you are all having a wonderful fun weekend, I know many have gotten snow in the northeast , some are happy and others not so much ..beautiful weather here in Tampa bay Fl. I ordered some new Spellbinder Die cuts right after I accepted Karen's invite. so today I used one of the new   Spellbinder "Radiant Rectangles I enjoyed using them but always remember to use a piece of wax paper behind the die cut. Today I used White, Black and music note craft stock .( open stock) I added some a Gold spiral, tan and cream tiny roses . then I made my bow using seam binding brown , a few Designer buttons . Thank you for visiting Word Art Wednesday and my Blog today. I hope you all enjoy this card I made for this weeks challenge #312- #313. Christmas is creeping