
Showing posts from April 2, 2017


Happy Wednesday evening, hope you had a wonderful day.coming back a little at a time, long healing process but well worth it. Hubby encouraged me to get back on my blog and play along in some of the challenges for now 3 or 4 to start.  Praying for some rain it is so dry here. I want to shout out to my peeps a great big thank you for all the well wishes and beautiful cards. I enjoy playing along in all challenges, and I love making my cards. I used aqua and white card stock , my scalloped die by Spellbinder   . I also used my wood block stamp "sending you birthday wishes" I added some sequins. and my colored pencils to color in my stamp.    I'm sharing my card in the following challenge Simon Monday Challenge - Birthday  God Bless    Hugs   Dottie  I will be visiting and playing along in some of the challenges, but I am still re-coping from the surgery sadly it a slow go. but because of my wonderful loving husband Joe is has been amazing and done everythi


I used my Darcie embossing folder, using Tim Holtz Distress Inks of several colors and using white card stock, brown foam and my Easter basket die cut and bunny die. I added some flowers and bows from my stash . I hope everyone has a wonderful week and weekend.  it is always and blessing and a honor to have you stop by for a visit. I'm sharing my card in following challenge. Simon Monday Challenge  God Bless  Hugs Dottie So sorry I have been MIA for so long, I will not be as active as I was,  I have many more months of healing and rehab but I am slowly getting stronger. and yes this surgery was well worth it, my Joe has been a saint taking care of me cooking, cleaning , his love is just amazing.