Newton unwinds

Hello all, I know am a little late but until I am totally healed I'm still moving slow, they say by February I will be as good as new.

Welcome to my blog it is always a honor and pleasure to have you stop by and visit. I used white card stock and printed stock from my stash .
I used my set of Newtons nook (Newton Unwinding clear set)
I added a pretty green yarn and made a bow also from my stash. I used a  Mounted stamp Happy Birthday. and to color in Newton I used my CopicsYG11- W-2 - 100. and I have my card by my New Anna lee Doll- Cat Nip

again thank you for visiting I wish you all a wonderful upcoming weekend.
I'm sharing my card in the following challenge/

Simon Says Wednesday  Challenge  anything goes

Word Art Wednesday - anything goes

God Bless


  1. hello dottie! this is adorable, sweet image and fabulous coloring! I am so glad you played along with us at simon says stamp wednesday challenge!

    blog-paperie blooms

    sparkle & shine, kindness *~*


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