
Happy Wednesday, hope everyone had a nice 4th and didn't get rained out. WE didn't do anything this year just relaxed all day. it was so nice to have it be just my Love and I.

Today I used White and Yellow & Green card stock I used my Darcie Daises Embossing folder and my Dasies & leafs die cuts  .
 I added some ribbon from RRR. in my stash so I added it to the side of my card. also some bakers twine from my stash.

Thank you for stopping by, it is always a pleasure to have you visit. I enjoy reading the comments you leave.I always enjoy playing along in some of the challenges.  I would like it very much if you would become a New follower of my blog and I will be happy to do the same for you.

I'm sharing my card in the following challenge.

Word Art Wednesday- anything goes.

Have a Blessed Week.
     God Bless


  1. This is the prettiest entry I've seen....using the scripture word art always makes me smile. It's one of your prettiest cards ever, I really love it. Thanks so much for playing along. Have a blessed week. I just prayed for you and Joe.
    Word Art Wednesday


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